Thursday 10 October 2013

Hoorah! First rifle section, both commanders, the Forward Artillery Observer, and a couple of spare chappies finished.

Firstly the FAO with his trusty radioman with (Airfix's version of) the No18 Set. The radioman is remarkable in possessing a version of the general service cap two years before it was issued. Yes, I could have done some converting to an earlier version of the cap, but life may be too short to bother!

Next we have the first platoon's commander, First Lieutenant Harrington and the Company Sergeant-Major, CSM 'Capone' Grimshaw. CSM Grimshaw is lucky to have one of the rare Thompson SMGs issued in France 1940. Sadly, in the game he will have to use it as a rifle as the France 1940 list doesn't allow for SMGs.

The original Thompson had the straight magazine so I replaced it with the 50-round drum using plasticard.

Leading the second platoon is Second Lieutenant Cholmondley-Warner, with his stoical batman, Private Harry Glover.

Next is the first rifle section. Number 1 section of 1 Platoon, led by the redoubtable Sergeant Dawson.
 With the first section is the Bren group, Private Patterson and Lance-Corporal Rutter. L/Cpl Rutter is burdened with extra ammunition and tools for the Bren.
The additional two men are currently spares who might lend a hand in the second platoon.