Friday 19 September 2014

Thank heaven for good old Airfix. I was tearing my hair out trying to build a dynamically posed force that wasn't built on the same few poses. I had almost despaired when Airfix reissued their classic 1/32 Multipose British Infantry. Using a few old Multipose 8th Army boxes (from eBay), I can now add variety and build 'specials'.

Although it doesn't have the variety of weapons provided by 1/35 sets, 1/32 is the right scale for the Airfix moulded figures, and 1/35 looks too small when used for rifles, pouches and so on. I've had to use 1/35 for some of the more unusual weapons, but I'll be sticking to 1/32 wherever possible.

I've already built a 2" mortar No.2, Boys anti-tank rifleman with moulded/converted No.2, and decided to replace the Bren No.2 and Second Lieutenant with new purpose-built models. With a bit of trimming the supplied small packs conveniently double as gas-mask bags, and the 8th Army packs provide helmets and No.III Lee Enfield rifles with their distinctive bayonets to replace the later helmets and No.IV rifles in the British Infantry packs.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

The officer's runabout. Obviously the wealthy chap decided to bring his spiffing little MG Magnet over to France as a personal staff car, but the winter of 1939 and a lack of maintenance has not treated it well.
An old Airfix 1933 MG Magnet K3 with converted driver, a military paint job and fairly extensive weathering.