Wednesday 25 September 2013

Damn and blast!

I realised that my force was 'illegal' for Bolt Action due to the additional Lieutenant. Each reinforced platoon can take a Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant as platoon leader, but the additional HQ choices jump to Captain or Major. There is no provision for an extra spotty subaltern to accompany the platoon leader.

I also see that I can't have the CSM with an SMG if he is accompanying the platoon leader - they are only for section sergeants.... Given that the France 1940 Theatre List doesn't allow SMGs anyway (they were very rare at that point, a few hundred only having been sent across for evaluation after the experience of Norway), I shall just class the Thompson-armed CSM as a rifleman and be done with it. Not buying the 3-point SMG also saves me just enough points to sneak in at exactly 1000 points after the reorganisation.

Nothing for it but to reorganise the force as two platoons, each with their own leader. My 2-pounder (which I rate as a Medium AT) sadly got wheeled away, to be replaced by the French 25mm Hotchkiss. This actually fits the force better as the Hotchkiss ATGs were issued to Royal Artillery Anti-Tank companies attached to infantry brigades, as opposed to being held at higher level. The Medic had to go, as did almost all of the transport, but I did manage to give one of the platoons a Recce Universal Carrier with Boys anti-tank rifle and pintle Bren. A nice little mobile gun platform to support the foot-sloggers.

1st Platoon
Lieutenant (First Lieutenant) + one additional man (CSM)
Artillery FO + assistant
- transported in Universal Carrier

Two 10-man sections including LMG
One Boys AT Rifle team
One Vickers MMG

Armour - armoured car
Recce Universal Carrier with Boys ATR and pintle LMG

2nd Platoon
Second Lieutenant + one-man staff (batman)

Two 10-man sections including LMG
One 2" Light Mortar team

Hotchkiss 25mm Light AT gun

Armour - tank
Vickers MkIVb Light Tank

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