Saturday 21 September 2013

Undercoated at last.

I have replaced the radio antenna with a thinner wire to replicate the rigid aerial used on the man portable wireless sets in 1940. The wire is obviously still too thick, but I didn't want to creep into flexible 'walkie-talkie' territory by using broom bristle. I don't think it looks too bad at this scale.

I also added an NCO with Thompson, obviously one of very few soldiers in the BEF who actually received the SMG. I think he may become the Lieutenant's companion and therefore the CSM, which explains how he managed to get one of the rare Thompsons. The previous CSM candidate (the upright figure carrying the bag) will go with the crouching Second Lieutenant as his batman. I was originally dubious about putting a crouching figure and standing figure together as a grouping, but then realised that it nicely contrasts the inexperienced Subaltern taking cover at every gunshot against his more battle-hardened and blasé batman.

I now have two 'spare' figures to carry over to the second section or to use in weapons teams.


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