Friday 20 September 2013

First rifle section plus Bren, Lieutenant and CSM, Forward Artillery Observer, Second Lieutenant and a 'spare' figure now ready for undercoating. The hardest part was cleaning up the joins between converted figures, something I have doubts that I'll be doing a lot more of for the other two sections. The K resin is evil stuff to saw and the moulded nature of the figures means that there is plenty of 'blocked off' detail, under arms and so on, that makes detailed chopping very difficult.

You'll notice that I have used Milliput to bring two Eighth Army figures to France 1940 dress. This was actually easier than I had anticipated although the undercoat will reveal just how 'natural' the built-up sleeves and legs look.

Some poses meant that the gasmask bags had to be secured on the hip. This was something that the soldiers themselves started to do when it was found just how painful it was to throw yourself forwards onto a gas mask bag. The lack of gas being used also meant that the chest 'ready' position was no longer such an important regulation.

Getting the Milliput to adhere to the shiny resin for straps was not fun. Lead foil for that in the future, I think.

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